Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Flexible vs Traditional

8 días sin escribir :'( caray, eso sí me da tristeza. Pero bueno, creo que estoy invirtiendo bien mi tiempo en todo lo que poco a poco les platico.

Una de las cosas en las que estoy invirtiendo mi tiempo es en la preparación de GRE para poder estudiar un posgrado en Estados Unidos.

A modo de práctica del Analyitical Writing Assesment, mi profesor, Steve West, un australiano bastante bueno, (aunque un poco aburrido en su manera de hablar) nos sugirió que escribiéramos un ensayo acerca de dos estilos de trabajo: Flexible vs Tradicional.

Pues aquí va mi ensayo que tendré que mandarle por mail hoy en la noche.

P.D. Creo que sé menos inglés del que creía :S esta parte de los antónimos en el GRE está más difícil de lo que creí. Además, ahora que he tenido que hablar más inglés con extranjeros, me está constando trabajillo. Pero bueno, nunca es tarde para aprender y yo nunca me doy por vencido.


Flexible vs Traditional

There is no way in which somebody could talk that doesn't have its own behavior. No matter if he or she is traditional or flexible in his or her working manner, the alone way of writing or speaking can reveal if someone is flexible or traditional.

Although flexible, I'll try to be impartial in order to really analyze what is the best way of working.

It's difficult to absolutely say if being flexible is better than being traditional and vice verse. Perhaps, this sentence reflects a flexible way of thinking but let us say that the thought is true.

I think there is a paradox when talking about both ways of working: "The paradox of being flexible" and "The paradox of being traditional".

Let us start with the explanation of the easy one.

The paradox of being flexible.

Flexible people always look for practicality and freedom. They usually have a good capacity of reaction and dislikes receiving orders. But the paradox presents when an extreme flexible person, lose practicality when does not have good organization and becomes slave of the extra tasks that emerged about that disorganization, losing the wished freedom.

The paradox of being traditional.

By the other side, being traditional has its own paradox. Traditional people always look for security. Actually they feel stressed when things are not made in the way they thought. The paradox is when a very traditional people lose security when they have to react quickly but can’t do it because of their way of doing.

Despite the paradoxes, there are clear advantages and disadvantages of both ways of thinking. For example, being flexible, allows you to interact with many kinds of people despite flexible or not while traditional people are usually stressed when they work with flexible people. However, traditional people are usually more accurate and precise when working, they like to observe and can easily catch errors that normal people can’t. In addition traditional people are well organized and in that way they are more free than flexible ones, because usually are strict with their schedules and say “this is my resting time, and this is my working time” while very disorganized and flexible people could fall in the temptation of losing time for themselves.

However, being flexible means that a person can add the most important issues of traditional people. Being flexible and wise you can take those things of the traditional way of doing that are good and help you to be freer. In this way being flexible is better than being traditional because with a bit of discipline, flexible people can be more productive and, of course, happier than traditional ones.

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